Monday, June 2, 2008

Preparing Students for the 21st Century

Since I've read Thomas Friedman's "The World is Flat," I definitely identify with the issue the presenter brings up.  Higher order thinking and working skills are essential is the U.S. is going to stand up and compete with India and China;  Application of knowledge, critical thinking, collaborating with projects, working against deadlines, adaptability, and innovation are needed in any job in the 21st century.  Project based learning in any curriculum helps to hone these skills.  Students will also take ownership with such a projects.  I have was having a conversation with some doing doctorate work in urban education equity, and he was skeptical of the use of 1 to 1 laptops, but when I told them all of the empowerment it can do, he started seeing my position.  Assessments as we currently do them now don't measure the skills the presenter asked to the most part;  Portfolio-based assessment would be more helpful.

1 comment:

Katie Morrow said...

Ooooh, how great that you have read Friedman's book! I may call upon your expertise is this content to fill in and support all the rest. Thanks for letting us benefit from your knowledge and experiences in this area!