Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cool International Collaboration Idea

I got this e-mail off of Facebook.  I seems like an awesome small project idea that involves international collaboration

Dear Mr Brian,
Iam an egyptian student who's willing to join ThinkQuest competition
and i'm looking forward to gather a team of various nationalities
the idea of the contest -in case u haven't heard of it- is to collect a team of 3-6 students and a coach (must be a teacher working for an eligible school ) and then the students create a website about a certain topic.
IF u are interested or knowing anyone who might be plz contact me asap
you can check it all at
Mahmoud Abou-Eita

Friday, June 6, 2008

Self Evaluation

In your opinion, what are the most important skills for 21st Century learning? What are the most important technology skills to infuse into your learning environment? (Feel free to cite the NETS*S and/or the P21 Framework)

Tell some ways, via digital tools, you have learned to:
• Create/Innovate
• Communicate/Collaborate
• Problem-Solve/Critically Think, etc…

Changes you can implement TODAY in your teaching (as a result of this class) (don’t necessarily have to be technology-related)

Assess yourself and your learning journey this week. Did you…?
• Create more than you consumed?

I think I did both by learning about tons of new ideas, reflecting/processing on them, and finally creating one innovating project
• Contribute to a collective/shared body of knowledge?

I think blogging/reflection really helped as well as class discussions and presentations!!

• Participate in digital dialogue?

There was quite a bit of back and forth discussion; we could've reflective on each others' blog more, but with time alloted, you have cut some things.

• Use self-directed or discovery learning? (find some answers on your own)

I think it did do some self-exploration by looking at different websites.

Please try to give specific examples of all of the above.

Finally, did you “Think Different”?
Or, how has your thinking changed (if at all) as a result of taking this course?

I "have drunk the koolaid" as I"m really sold to changing the way we teach.  It won't be easy or happen overnight, but this is what is best for our students.


Why are we doing this?
What to we think we know?
What do we want to know?
What are ready to teach?

I really like the difference compared to KWL because it gives justification to do this and makes the exploration of learning more interactive.


Dan Schmit talked about Marshall McLuhan's idea about "the medium is the message" and how podcasts revolution how communication happens with many to one.  

Dan also talked about inputs, transformations, outputs, which also connects to systems theory.  

Inputs deal with drving questions and resources; transformations deals with collecting information/decisions; outcomes deals with articulating ones message;

Podcasting's future potential consist of: public relations tools, curricular supplement, professional development, course delivery, and academic expression.  

Podcasts create significance for students instead of jumping through hoops.


What makes a good podcasting activity:

1. Multifaceted- Professional technically, has roots in content
2. Identifies Audience- Adapts to it;
3. Planning/Scaffolding/Coaching
4. 80% Content Focus; 20% Production
5. Explore unique angles/perspectives
6. Weave a compelling stories
Create arguments using podcasts;

I like how we doesn't focus on the technology, but the big picture, which is what learning should be about as we progress.


Link: - Online conferencing Record online synchronous video - online feedback online feedback/surveys  Quiz/Test Creation another poll application

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nine Principles

I liked this article as it talked about how principles should be used with 21st century learning implementation not prescriptive plans/guidelines because of the fluid nature of this movement.
She makes a good point about humans still being at the certain of the movement and not technology.  I think that not only administrators of school districts, but leaders state wide and nationally.  Hopefully, policy leaders behind 21st century learning will go the new administration(hopefully Obama) and try to show them that this and that NCLB guarantee a prosperous American future.  Personal investment in the process is also important so when there are glitches/mistakes belief in 'why' we are doing this will keep up going.  In the words of Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School bus, "we need to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy" when it comes to 21st century learning because that's the real world is like.

Collaborative Project Plan

21st Century Project Plan Idea

Class: Speech

Unit: Interpersonal/Intercultural Communication

Justification for 21st Century Learning:  With globalization and the information age, it’s important for future workers to understand and adapt to cultural norms in others countries.  Collaboration between workers of different worldviews is becoming and will continue to grow.

Project Idea: You work at a public relations/communication consulting firm and have been hired by a company that is moving many of their offices over to a foreign country ; they want to acclamate their workers to functioning well in the new country.  Demonstrate how to:

1.     How to Make introductions

2.     Work Etiquette Policies/Accept Criticisms

3.     Giving Others Criticism

4.     How to Give Presentations;

5.     Eating at a Business Events;

6.     Making Requests

Creating a iMovie, iWeb, or Podcast;

In turn, a firm from a foreign country will make an introductory video about American customs;

You will exchange your presentations to the other company for evaluation and feedback throughout the presentation.  If you need feedback as the project goes, reference your peers in the other country, podcasts, and professional sites;  Do not base your impressions on popular culture references.

Progress Checklists: You must submit these updates to your supervisor(me)

1.     A story map;

2.     A script

3.     A Rough Draft

4.     Peer Reviewers’ Comments

5.     2nd Draft for Evaluation

6.     Final Draft;

Technology Tool: iMovie; Wikispaces; Podcasts; iWeb;




Links for Cultural Communication Practices




Latin America

General Intercultural Communication Tips